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Make your annual donation to protect YWCA's services

The YWCA of Western New York needs your help! We appreciate you taking a few minutes of your time to make your annual donation to preserve the services offered by the YWCA to women, girls, and families of Western New York.

Why we especially need your help this year

With New York State and federal governments still in financial crises, much of the traditional support that funded critical community programs run by YWCA was dramatically reduced or eliminated. Cuts from the federal sequester are only just beginning to take effect. The economy has not yet made the turn toward recovery.

  • At-risk youth education eliminated by New York State: our YWCA suffered the total loss of a state grant that helped at-risk teens graduate high school and prepare for jobs or college. Girls. Inc. funding was also eliminated. We remain committed to running this program at some level during the school year and in the summer.
  • Domestic violence safe houses may close: Federal government cuts of 30% are likely to our domestic violence housing programs that aid impoverished, battered women and children as they try to get back on their feet and stay safe.

Despite the financial hardships that this economy brings we are very optimistic about the prospects for the future. Our YWCA has served Western New York since 1870, and we intend to be here and going strong in 2070.

How you can help

Click here to donate, or you can download a donation form that describes our basic programs, print and mail to:

1005 Grant Street
Buffalo, NY 14207

This is a non-event, so no banquet chicken is involved, which we hope you'll appreciate!

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The YWCA of WNY is a United Way Agency.
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